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Left Context Plain Word Right Context Word Lemma Cluster Morphological Status Date
for_P his_PRO$ craft_N ,_, &ge_PRO schall_MD treuly_ADV presente hym_PRO to_P &te_D mayr_N ,_, be_P hym_PRO present (vb) nt 1485
in_P Bethlem_NPR to_TO worschipe_VB him_PRO &_CONJ to_TO presente him_PRO with_P gold_N ,_, ensence_N &_CONJ myrre_N present (vb) nt 1413
and_CONJ we_PRO wil_MD &gif_VB vnto_P &gow_PRO &te_D best part_N of_P v_NUM Erldomes_NS &tar_ADV We_PRO haue&t_HVP best (adjs) st LIS 1400
maners_NS &_CONJ condicions_NS &_CONJ custumes_NS &tat_C he_PRO ferst vsede_VBD ,_, for_P no_Q maner_N honour_N ,_, first (adjs) rst LIS 1400
offer_VB &ti_PRO$ hert_N to_P Jhesu_NPR Criste_NPR and_CONJ leste be_BE in_P bisynes_N of_P &tis_D worlde_N ._. least (adjs) st LIS 1438
fulfil_VB in_P dede_N &tat_C &tou_PRO seys_VBP es_BEP maste prophetabel_ADJ for_P &ti_PRO$ sawle_N ,_, and_CONJ &tat_D most (qs) st LIS 1438
leest_QS covaytes_VBP in_P &tis_D worlde_N ,_, and_CONJ maste swetnes_N feles_VBP in_P God_NPR ,_, and_CONJ brynandest_ADJS most (qs) st LIS 1438
;_, o&ter_OTHERS intil_P &te_D heest_ADJS ,_, &tat_C maste lufed_VBD God_NPR and_CONJ byrnandest_ADJS es_BEP in_P hys_PRO$ most (qs) st LIS 1438
seraphyn_N ;_. and_CONJ &tat_D order_N ,_, &tat_C leste es_BEP bryght_ADJ ,_, es_BEP seven_NUM sythe_N sa_ADVR least (adjs) st LIS 1438
li._N and_CONJ x_NUM s._N ,_, and_CONJ the_D first day_N of_P May_NPR xxxvi_NUM li._N and_CONJ x_NUM first (adjs) rst LIS 1485
souereign_ADJ lord_N or_CONJ to_P his_PRO$ assign_N the_D first day_N of_P Ffeuer&gere_NPR xxxvi_NUM li._N and_CONJ x_NUM first (adjs) rst LIS 1485
devyded_VAN frome_P &te_D most_ADJS part_N vnto_P &te_D lest part_N to_TO by_VB and_CONJ selle_VB spyces_NS by_P last (adjs) st LIS 1485
and_CONJ pownde_N to_TO be_BE devyded_VAN frome_P &te_D most part_N vnto_P &te_D lest_ADJS part_N to_TO by_VB most (adjs) st LIS 1485
pepyll_N and_CONJ deth_N of_P bestys_NS ,_, but_CONJ most of_P neet_N ,_, gret_ADJ apklynge_N and_CONJ fytyng_N most (qs) st LIS 1485
haue_HV vii_NUM gyftis_NS grauntyd_VAN hym_PRO :_. the_D first ,_. he_PRO schal_MD not_NEG deye_VB on_P no_Q first (adjs) rst LIS 1485
,_, whiche_WD doughter_N he_PRO hade_HVD by_P his_PRO$ ferst wif_N ._. And_CONJ when_P &tis_D quene_N was_BED first (adjs) rst LIS 1400
the_D forseyd_ADV&VAN Roberd_NPR payed_VBD in_P the_D seyd_VAN first yeer_N at_P his_PRO$ dirige_N and_CONJ berying_N ,_, first (adjs) rst LIS 1485
laste_ADJ payment_N was_BED ._. Memorandum_N that_C the_D ffirst day_N of_P May_NPR ,_, ,_, Roberd_NPR Reynys_NPR first (adjs) rst LIS 1485
be_P yeer_N iiii_NUM d_N ._. ._. The_D last payment_N was_BED ._. Memorandum_N that_C the_D v=te=_NUM last (adjs) st LIS 1485
iiii_NUM marke_N and_CONJ xx_NUM d._N in_P the_D first yeer_N ,_, and_CONJ at_P Myghelmesse_NPR nest_ADV aftir_P first (adjs) rst LIS 1485
he_PRO were_BED in_P the_D state_N of_P the_D most peyne_N of_P purgatorye_NPR ,_, Oure_PRO$ Lord_NPR schuld_MD most (qs) st LIS 1485
of_P alle_Q Kynges_NS ,_, &_CONJ of_P myghtes_NS most ;_. &_CONJ y_PRO ame_BEP a_D caitif_N and_CONJ most (qs) st LIS 1400
that_C seyth_VBP these_D orisones_NS after_ADV wretyn_VAN ,_, ffirst ,_, therfore_ADV&P ,_, he_PRO schal_MD haue_HV grace_N first (adjs) rst LIS 1485
schewe_VB her_PRO hem_PRO ._. And_CONJ at_P the_D last ,_, to_P her_PRO spak_VBD Oure_PRO$ Lord_NPR Ihesu_NPR last (adjs) st LIS 1485
OF_P VENYSSE_NPR SEND_VAN TO_P &TE_D POPE_N ._. Ffirst ,_, iiii=xx=_NUM gret_ADJ bumbardis_NS a_D gonnys_NS :_, first (adjs) rst LIS 1485

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