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of_P heouene_NPR ._, &_CONJ seinte_NPR Marie_NPR &te_D deorewur&de o&der_CONJ hali_ADJ chirche_NPR hwen_P he_PRO of_P hire_PRO dearworth (adj) L 1230
&_CONJ seint_NPR bernard_NPR sei&d_VBP ._, &tt_C na_Q deorewur&de &gimstan_N&N ne_NEG delitet_VBP swa_ADVR muche_Q mon_N to_TO dearworth (adj) L 1230
on_P his_PRO$ deore_ADJ passiun_N ._, $on_P $his_PRO$ deorewur&de blod_N ._, on_P his_PRO$ .v._NUM wunden_NS ._, dearworth (adj) L 1230
&tt_C ha_PRO drohen_VBD for_P &ti_PRO$ deore_ADJ luue_N deorewur&de lauert_NPR ._, &_CONJ seidest_VBD &te_PRO$ seoluen_N hwene_P dearworth (adj) L 1238
._. &_CONJ heie&d_VBI &_CONJ herie&d_VBI his_PRO$ an_ONE deorewur&de sune_N iesu_NPR crist_NPR hatte_VAN ant_CONJ te_D hali_NPR dearworth (adj) L 1238
._. for_CONJ mi_PRO$ lauerd_NPR iesu_NPR crist_NPR mi_PRO$ deorewur&de leofmon_ADJ&N luttel_ADJ ear_ADV me_PRO haue&d_HVP ilea&det_VBN &_CONJ dearworth (adj) L 1238
._. $Ne_NEG dred_VBP tu_PRO nawt_NEG q&d_VBD katerine_NPR deorewr&de cwen_N ant_CONJ deore_ADJ wi&d_P drihtin_NPR of_P heouene_NPR dearworth (adj) L 1238
._. &_CONJ nes_NEG&BED godes_NPR$ rode_N mid_P his_PRO$ deorewur&de blod_N irudet_VAN &_CONJ ireadet_VAN ;_, forto_FOR&TO schawin_VB dearworth (adj) L 1230
naut_NEG min_PRO$ beo_BEP eauer_ADV ifor&det_VAN ._. his_PRO$ deorewur&de fader_N for_P &ti_D ne_NEG for_VBD21 ber_VBD22 him_PRO dearworth (adj) L 1230
ure_PRO$ lauerd_NPR ._, Alswa_ADV &treo_NUM Maries_NPRS brochten_VBD deorewur&de aromaz_NS his_PRO$ bodi_N for_FOR to_TO smirien_VB ._. dearworth (adj) L 1230
seolf_N for_P us_PRO ingiuwrie_P&NPR &_CONJ dude_DOD his_PRO$ deorewur&de bodi_N to_TO acwiten_VB ut_RP his_PRO$ leofmon_ADJ&N $in_P dearworth (adj) L 1230
wi&d_P ow_PRO &_CONJ monifalden_VB mid_P ow_PRO his_PRO$ deorewur&de grace_N as_P elye_NPR dude_DOD hire_PRO$ liuenaz_N &_CONJ dearworth (adj) L 1230
&_CONJ of_P f&agere_ADJ wifen_NS ,_, &_CONJ of_P deorewur&de reafen_NS ?_. &_CONJ &ta_D gode_ADJ m&ann_NS by&d_BEP dearworth (adj) L 1150
he_PRO alihte_VBD from_P hehe_ADJ to_P lahe_ADJ from_P derewur&d wuninge_N ;_, in_RP to_P wone_N of_P blisse_N dearworth (adj) L 1213
alesde_VBD us_PRO of_P helle_NPR$ grunde_N mid_P his_PRO$ derewur&de flesse_N and_CONJ mid_P his_PRO$ blode_N and_CONJ &ta_ADV21 dearworth (adj) L 1213
godes_NPR$ sune_N ._. and_CONJ &ta_ADV &turh_P his_PRO$ deorewur&de de&de_N we_PRO weren_BED alesede_VAN from_P &tan_D eche_ADJ dearworth (adj) L 1213
heh-feader_ADJ&N healent_N in_P heouene_NPR ._, &_CONJ his_PRO$ deorwur&de sune_N iesu_NPR crist_NPR hatte_VAN ._. &_CONJ him_PRO dearworth (adj) L 1225
&_CONJ prince_N ._. Ah_CONJ heo_PRO as_P &te_D deorwur&de drihtin_NPR hit_PRO dihte_VBD into_P a_D burh_N wes_BED dearworth (adj) L 1225
heouene_NPR ._. Drihtin_NPR deide_VBD for_P us_PRO &te_D deorwur&de lauerd_NPR ._. &_CONJ ne_NEG drede_VBP ich_PRO na_Q dearworth (adj) L 1225
to_TO bidden_VB &teos_D bone_N to_P ure_PRO$ lauer&d_NPR Deore-wur&de drihtin_NPR &tah_P &tine_PRO$ domes_NS dearne_ADJ beon_BEP alle_Q dearworth (adj) L 1225
&te_PRO ._. &_CONJ ti_PRO$ wil_N iwur&de_VBP hit_PRO deorwur&de lauerd_NPR &tt_C ich_PRO &turh_P &ti_PRO$ streng&de_N mahe_MD dearworth (adj) L 1225
&ta_ADV ende-long_P hire_PRO &_CONJ &twertouer_ADV&P &trefter_ADV&P &te_D deorewur&de taken_N ._, of_P &te_D deore_ADJ rode_NPR &tt_C dearworth (adj) L 1225
ha_PRO sehe_VBD $i_P $&te_D glistende_VAG glem_N &te_D deorewur&de rode_NPR reache_VB to_P &te_D heouene_NPR ._. &_CONJ dearworth (adj) L 1225
ich_PRO &tus_ADV deie_VBP ?_, mi_PRO$ dea&d_N is_BEP deorewur&de &_CONJ dure_ADJ in-to_P eche_Q liue_N ._. &tu_PRO dearworth (adj) L 1225
o_P deore_ADJ drihtines_NPR$ nome_N &_CONJ on_P his_PRO$ deorewur&de sunes_NPR$ ._, &_CONJ o_P &tes_D hali_NPR gastes_NPR$ dearworth (adj) L 1225

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