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Left Context Plain Word Right Context Word Lemma Cluster Morphological Status Date
&_CONJ On_P &tone_D lententyde_NPR&NPR &t&artoforen_ADV&P forbearn_VBD se_D burch on_P Gleawecestre_NPR ._, &Ta_D hwile_N &te_C &ta_D burgh (n) rtʃ L 1150
abbot_N Heanri_NPR of_P Angeli_NPR &after_P &Asterne_NPR to_P Burch ,_. &_CONJ seide_VBD &tet_C he_PRO h&afde_HVD forl&aten_VBN burch (npr) rtʃ L 1150
nan_Q ne_NEG w&as_BED o_P &te_D land_N ._. Wrecce men_NS sturuen_VBD of_P hung&ar_N ._. Sume_Q ieden_VBD wretched (adj) L 1150
to_TO b&aron_VB onne_ONE ,_. &tat_D was_BED sua_ADVR maced ,_, &dat_D is_BEP ,_, f&astned_VAN to_P an_D make (van) st I 1150
ilce_ADJ g&ares_N he_PRO g&af_VBD &tone_D abbotrice_N of_P Burch an_D abbot_N ,_, Heanri_NPR w&as_BED gehaten_VAN ,_, burch (npr) rtʃ L 1150
king_N Heanri_NPR on_P Roueceastre_NPR ;_. &_CONJ se_D burch forbernde_VBD &alm&ast_Q&QS ;_. &_CONJ se_D &arcebiscop_N Willelm_NPR burgh (n) rtʃ L 1150
of_P castles_NS ._. Hi_PRO suencten_VBD suy&de_ADV &te_D uurecce men_NS of_P &te_D land_N mid_P castelweorces_N&NS ;_. wretched (adj) L 1150
it_PRO _ tenserie_N _ ._. &Ta_P &te_D uurecce men_NS ne_NEG hadden_HVD nammore_Q&QR to_TO gyuen_VB ,_, wretched (adj) L 1150
&te_C he_PRO &arst_ADV &getimbrod_VAN w&as_BED ._. Hware_WADV wicode he_PRO $&ta_D feowerti&g_NUM da&ges_NS &after_P his_PRO$ &ariste_N wive (vbd) kt I 1150
n&afre_ADV an_ONE god_ADJ d&ai_N ._. Her_ADV him_PRO trucode ealle_Q his_PRO$ mycele_ADJ cr&aftes_NS :_. nu_ADV him_PRO truke (vbd) kt I 1150
Roueceastre_NPR ,_, se_D &aror_ADVR w&as_BED abbot_N on_P Burch :_. &tet_D w&as_BED &tes_D d&aies_N ._. &_CONJ burch (npr) rtʃ L 1150
Jacobes_NPR$ moder_N ,_, &_CONJ Maria_NPR &t&as_D mare_QR Jacobes moder_N ,_, &_CONJ Johannes_NPR$ &t&as_D godspelleres_N$ ,_, jacob (npr$) bz L 1150
Wincestre_NPR ._. &_CONJ &tanon_ADV he_PRO com_VBD to_P Burch ._. &_CONJ &t&ar_ADV he_PRO wunede_VBD eallriht_Q&ADV swa_P burch (npr) rtʃ L 1150
&te_D selue_ADJ derfald_N&N in_P &ta_D tune_N on_P Burch &_CONJ on_P ealle_Q &ta_D wudes_NS &da_C w&aron_BED burch (npr) rtʃ L 1150
God_NPR &almihtig_ADJ haue_HVP his_PRO$ milce_N ofer_P &tet_D wrecce stede_N !_. &Des_D ilces_ADJ geares_N com_VBD fram_P wretched (adj) L 1150
&tet_D gear_N ._. Crist_NPR r&ade_VBP for_P &ta_D wrecce muneces_NS of_P Burch_NPR &_CONJ for_P &tet_D wrecce_ADJ wretched (adj) L 1150
wrecce_ADJ muneces_NS of_P Burch_NPR &_CONJ for_P &tet_D wrecce stede_N !_. Nu_ADV hem_PRO behofe&d_VBP Cristes_NPR$ helpe_N wretched (adj) L 1150
ne_CONJ alle_Q &te_D pines_NS &dat_C he_PRO diden_DOD wrecce men_NS on_P &tis_D land_N ;_. &_CONJ &dat_D wretched (adj) L 1150
ful_ADJ smoke_N ._. Me_MAN henged_VBD bi_P the_D &tumbes other_CONJ bi_P the_D hefed_N &_CONJ hengen_VBD bryniges_NS thumb (ns) mbz I 1150
we_PRO to_P $willnigen_VBP ._. Martha_NPR swanc_VBD &_CONJ becarcade to_TO gefor&digene_VB &tan_D H&alende_NPR &_CONJ his_PRO$ &teowen_NS becark (vbd) rkt I 1150
&_CONJ frefrede_VBD ,_, &_CONJ swa&dede_VBD ,_, &_CONJ roccode ,_, swa_P &tt_C man_MAN m&aig_MD rihtlice_ADV beo_P rock (vbd) kt I 1150
king_N Stephne_NPR to_P Englaland_NPR com_VBD ,_, &ta_ADV macod he_PRO his_PRO$ gadering_N &at_P Oxeneford_NPR ._. &_CONJ make (vbd) kt I 1150
Johannes_NPR se_D godspellere_N ._. Maria_NPR &t&as_D l&asse_QR Jacobes moder_N ,_, &_CONJ Maria_NPR &t&as_D mare_QR Jacobes_NPR$ jacob (npr$) bz L 1150
ilces_ADJ geares_N for&dferde_VBD se_D abbot_N Iohan_NPR of_P Burch on_P ._. ._. Eall_Q &tis_D gear_N w&as_BED burch (npr) rtʃ L 1150
he_PRO com_VBD mid_P mycel_Q wur&dscipe_N ._. To_P Burch he_PRO com_VBD ,_. &_CONJ &t&ar_ADV behet_VBD se_D burch (npr) rtʃ L 1150

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