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&_CONJ herie_VBP heouenliche_ADJ healent_NPR ._. for_P &ti_PRO$ deorewur&de nome_N ich_PRO habbe_HVP i-drohe_VBN nowcin_N ._. &_CONJ dearworth (adj) L 1225
._, &_CONJ his_PRO$ deore_ADJ moder_N ._, &te_D deorewur&de meiden_N ._, &te_D heouenliche_ADJ cwen_N leat_VBD i_RP dearworth (adj) L 1225
to_P noht_Q bute_P &tt_D deore_ADJ tresor_N godes_NPR$ deorewur&de feh_N &tt_C is_BEP us_PRO bitaht_VAN to_TO witene_VB dearworth (adj) L 1235
&_CONJ werien_VB his_PRO$ castel_N ._, &_CONJ godes_NPR$ deorewur&de feh_N ._, &tt_C is_BEP biloke_VAN &trinne_ADV&P ._. dearworth (adj) L 1235
&tear_ADV ich_PRO iseh_VBD as_P ha_PRO bit_VBD hire_PRO$ deorewur&de sune_N se_ADVR &geornliche_ADV ._, &_CONJ se_ADVR inwardliche_ADV dearworth (adj) L 1235
&gemaked_VAN of_P marbelstone_N&N and_CONJ hine_PRO fulde_VBD mid_P derewur&de smerieles_N ._. and_CONJ cam_VBD &tar_ADV he_PRO was_BED dearworth (adj) L 1213
londe_NS ._, &tat_C haue&d_HVP on_P hire_PRO$ heued_N derewur&de &gimston_N&N ._. and_CONJ te_D londes_N$ men_NS hire_PRO dearworth (adj) L 1213
men_NS ._. Neddre_N haue&d_HVP on_P hire_PRO$ heued_N derewur&de &gimston_N&N ._. and_CONJ we_PRO hauen_HVP on_P ure_PRO$ dearworth (adj) L 1213
._, o&der_CONJ drehdest_VBD eani_Q derf_N for_P his_PRO$ deorewur&de luue_N ._, as_P &te_D o&dre_OTHERS do&d_DOP for_P dearworth (adj) L 1225
ant_CONJ i_P &te_D deore_ADJ wur&dmunt_N of_P his_PRO$ deorewur&de sune_NPR ._, &_CONJ i_P &te_D heiunge_N of_P dearworth (adj) L 1213
pelles_NS ._, wi&d_P ciclatuns_NS &_CONJ cendals_NS &_CONJ deorewur&de cla&des_NS ._, As_P &te_D &tt_C se_ADVR heh_ADJ dearworth (adj) L 1213
leuen_VB i_P godd_NPR feader_NPR &_CONJ in_P his_PRO$ deorwur&de sune_NPR ._, &_CONJ i_P &te_D hali_NPR gast_NPR dearworth (adj) L 1213
luue_N speden_VB ._. Iuliene_NPR q&d_VBD he_PRO mi_PRO$ deorewur&de dohter_N ._, sei_VBI me_PRO hwi_WADV &tu_PRO ._, dearworth (adj) L 1213
lauerd_N ._, &_CONJ mi_PRO$ deore_ADJ leafdi_N &te_D deorewur&de diane_NPR &tt_C ich_PRO muche_Q luuie_VBP ._, &gef_P dearworth (adj) L 1213
&da_D aingles_NS of_P heuene_NPR and_CONJ sunge_VBD &dane_D derewur&de sang_N ,_, ,_. and_CONJ bodeden_VBD sibsumnesse_N to_P dearworth (adj) L 1213
to_TO drinken_VB ,_, &danne_P him_PRO ware_BED &do_D derewur&de sondes_NS &de_C comen_VBP fro_P &de_D kynge_N ,_, dearworth (adj) L 1213
._. wurch_VBI &get_ADV swucche_SUCH wundres_NS for_P &ti_PRO$ deorewur&de nome_N ._, &tt_C te_D reue_N rudni_VBP &_CONJ dearworth (adj) L 1213
$hafde_HVD ._. Miserere_NPR mei_NPR deus_NPR ,_, &dane_D derewur&de salm_N anon_ADV he_PRO makede_VBD ,_. and_CONJ godes_NPR$ dearworth (adj) L 1213
&Dis_D loc_N offrede_VBD Marie_NPR Magdelene_NPR upe_P &dine_PRO$ derewur&de fiet_NS ,_. and_CONJ alle_Q hire_PRO$ sennen_NS hie_PRO dearworth (adj) L 1213
imeane_N ._. Ich_PRO a&geoue_VBP &te_PRO mi_PRO$ gast_N deorrewur&de drihtin_NPR ._. &_CONJ do_DOP hit_PRO blisfule_ADJ godd_NPR dearworth (adj) L 1213
in-to_P hire_PRO$ schip_N bi-wunden_VAN swi&de_ADVR deorliche_ADV i_P deorrewur&de cla&des_NS ._. As_P ha_PRO weren_BED i_P watere_N dearworth (adj) L 1213
n&aure_ADV rotien_VB ne_NEG mai_MD ,_. and_CONJ &tis_D derewur&de mihte_N is_BEP wrihte_N &derover_ADV&P ._. ,_, ,_, dearworth (adj) L 1213
._. Of_P maiden-had_N ._. is_BEP an_D swi&de_ADV derwur&de mihte_N ,_, &dat_D is_BEP ,_, maidenhad_N ,_, dearworth (adj) L 1213
ilke_ADJ fatt_N &de_C &gie_PRO bere&d_VBP inne_P &tat_D derwor&de tresor_N ,_, &tat_D is_BEP ,_, &de_D hali_NPR dearworth (adj) L 1213
is_BEP ._, &_CONJ &tt_D eadi_ADJ meiden_N his_PRO$ deorrewur&de moder_N ilich_ADJ his_PRO$ hali_ADJ engles_NS &_CONJ his_PRO$ dearworth (adj) L 1225

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