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Left Context Plain Word Right Context Word Lemma Cluster Morphological Status Date
m&age&dhade_N &_CONJ modres_NS beon_BE ,_, ne_CONJ bearn_NS geberen ,_, swa_P &teos_D synderlice_ADV dyde_DOD ,_. &_CONJ bear (vb) rn I 1150
hwu_WADV heo_PRO w&as_BED &tan_D $H&alende_NPR to_P moder_N gecoren ,_, &_CONJ &tehhwe&dere_ADV gehealdene_VB m&age&dhade_N and_CONJ gebletsod_VAN choose (van) rn LI 1150
,_, w&are_BED ges&ad_VAN &tt_C heo_PRO scholde_MD sune_N geberen ,_, ne_NEG &tuhte_VBD hit_PRO hire_PRO sellic_ADJ ,_. bear (vb) rn I 1150
,_, &_CONJ eadmodnysse_N$ stepel_N &_CONJ &aig&der_Q mid_P o&dren gestrangod_VAN ,_, &tt_C on_P hire_PRO$ m&age&dhade_N n&afre_ADV other (ns) rn I 1150
anlypig_ADJ &ting_N is_BEP behefe_ADJ ._. Maria_NPR h&af&d_HVP gecoren &tt_D betste_ADJS d&al_N ,_, &tt_C hire_PRO n&afre_ADV choose (vbn) rn LI 1150
On_P &tan_D heowe_N ,_, &te_C he_PRO h&afde_HVD beforan his_PRO$ &trowunge_N ,_, he_PRO steah_VBD up_RP o&d_P before (p) rn L 1150
._. Hwu_WADV oft_ADV $&ateowde_VBD he_PRO hine_PRO his_PRO$ &gingran ?_. Twelf_NUM si&den_NS ._. &Arest_ADV he_PRO com_VBD younger (ns) rn I 1150
by&d_BEP heo_PRO n&afre_ADV teonlease_ADJ ._. &_CONJ &ta_D gecorene &teh_P heo_PRO habben_HVP &at_P sumen_Q s&ale_N earfo&dnysse_N choose (van) rn LI 1150
&_CONJ eac_ALSO for_P &tan_D &tt_C sume_Q &ta_D gecorene &te_C sume_Q d&ale_N dwelige&d_VBP ,_, beon_BEP &turh_P choose (van) rn LI 1150
w&as_BED bewedded_VAN Zebedeo_NPR ,_, of_P &t&are_D w&areon_BED geborene Jacob_NPR se_D myclele_ADJ ,_, &_CONJ Johannes_NPR se_D bear (van) rn LI 1150
seo_D fullfremednysse_N &t&are_D twegre_ADJ lifen_NS$ &te_C we_PRO embe speca&d_VBP ._. Emb_P feala_Q &ting_NS heo_PRO w&as_BED umbe (p) mb L 1150
&tingen_NS heo_PRO w&as_BED bisig_ADJ &_CONJ gedrefd_VAN ._. Gedrefd heo_PRO w&as_BED ,_, &ta_P &ta_C heo_PRO fleah_VBD dreve (van) vd I 1150
to_P Burch_NPR ,_. &_CONJ seide_VBD &tet_C he_PRO h&afde forl&aten_VBN &tone_D mynstre_N mid_P ealle_Q ._. &After_P have (vbd) vd I 1150
Onmang_P &tyssen_D &tingen_NS heo_PRO w&as_BED bisig_ADJ &_CONJ gedrefd ._. Gedrefd_VAN heo_PRO w&as_BED ,_, &ta_P &ta_C dreve (van) vd I 1150
,_. &_CONJ pineden_VBD him_PRO alle_Q &te_D ilce_ADJ pining &dat_C ure_PRO$ Drihten_NPR was_BED pined_VAN ,_. &_CONJ pining (n) ŋg DS 1150
ham_N &_CONJ neframa_ADV nan_Q clepunge_N &t&arto_ADV&P na_NEG hafde mare_QR ._. &Tis_D beb&ad_VBD se_D &arcebiscop_N Willelm_NPR have (vbd) vd I 1150
biscop_N of_P Lincolne_NPR &_CONJ seide_VBD to_P &tam_D kyng ,_, _ Laferd_N kyng_N ,_, ic_PRO swelte_VBP king (n) ŋg L 1150
mile_N fram_P his_PRO$ abbotrice_N ;_. &tet_D he_PRO h&afde fulneah_ADV&ADV seoueniht_NUM&N on_P hande_N ;_. &tenon_ADV brohte_VBD have (vbd) vd I 1150
&te_D uurecce_ADJ men_NS of_P &te_D land_N mid_P castelweorces ;_. &ta_P &te_D castles_NS uuaren_BED maked_VAN ,_, castlework (ns) rks I 1150
&teowen_NS &ta_D lichamlice_ADJ behef&den_NS ._. Maria_NPR f&astlice_ADV wunede abuten_P &tan_D H&alende_NPR &_CONJ hlyste_VBD his_PRO$ worden_NS wone (vbd) nd I 1150
mid_P rihte_N ,_, for&ti_P&D &tet_C he_PRO hit_PRO h&afde &aror_ADVR beieten_VBN mid_P unrihte_N ._. Si&d&don_ADV &ta_ADV have (vbd) vd I 1150
ure_PRO$ Drihten_NPR was_BED pined_VAN ,_. &_CONJ on_P Lang Frid&ai_NPR him_PRO on_P rode_N hengen_VBD for_P ure_PRO$ long (adj) ŋg L 1150
._. ._. On_P &tis_D g&ar_N com_VBD Dauid_NPR king of_P Scotland_NPR mid_P ormete_ADJ f&ard_N to_P &tis_D king (n) ŋg L 1150
Willelm_NPR eorl_N of_P Albamar_NPR ,_, &te_C &te_D king adde_HVD beteht_VBN Euorwic_NPR ,_, &_CONJ $te_D other_OTHER king (n) ŋg L 1150
,_, Martha_NPR ,_, &tu_PRO eart_BEP bisig_ADJ &_CONJ gedrefd on_P feale_Q &tingan_NS ,_. ac_CONJ anlypig_ADJ &ting_N dreve (van) vd I 1150

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