
376761 out of 376761

{'items': '376761 out of 376761', 'title': 'Lemma', 'subtitle': '', 'legendy': '', 'legendx': '# of Tokens', 'categories': 'sorted(dates)', 'measuredObject': 'Tokens', 'ymin': 0, 'payload': [['a', 4], ['aaron', 11], ['abandon', 4], ['abandoned', 1], ['abash', 18], ['abashed', 1], ['abate', 2], ['abatement', 1], ['abating', 1], ['abbanes', 4], ['abbot', 25], ['abbreviation', 1], ['abdicate', 2], ['abear', 4], ['a-begging', 1], ['abel', 1], ['abelghe', 1], ['aberford', 1], ['abet', 4], ['abettor', 6], ['abhor', 3], ['abhorrence', 3], ['abhorring', 1], ['abide', 45], ['abiding', 22], ['abimelech', 1], ['a-bitch', 1], ['abject', 3], ['abjure', 1], ['able', 3], ['ablind', 12], ['aboard', 18], ['abolish', 4], ['abolishing', 1], ['abomination', 8], ['a-bond', 1], ['abound', 12], ['about', 12], ['aboutward', 2], ['above-board', 1], ['above-mentioned', 1], ['abow', 1], ['abraham', 32], ['abridge', 4], ['a-bright', 1], ['abrupt', 1], ['absalon', 2], ['abscession', 3], ['absence', 29], ['absent', 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['glistering', 1], ['glitter', 1], ['glomming', 1], ['gloss', 6], ['glossing', 1], ['gloucester', 2], ['glove', 6], ['glover', 3], ['glow', 3], ['glozer', 1], ['glutton', 7], ['gluttonly', 1], ['gluttonously', 1], ['gnapping', 2], ['gnare', 4], ['gnaresburgh', 1], ['gnarl', 1], ['gnarresburgh', 4], ['gnashing', 1], ['gnast', 6], ['gnasting', 3], ['gnat', 1], ['gnaw', 1], ['gnawing', 1], ['gne:theli:ce', 3], ['go', 197], ['goad', 1], ['goal', 2], ['goat', 12], ['gobbet', 1], ['god', 2172], ['god-almighty', 2], ['godchild', 1], ['godcund', 4], ['goddard', 1], ['godeherl', 1], ['godelen', 2], ['godfather', 5], ['godfright', 12], ['godge', 1], ['godling', 1], ['godmother', 2], ['godolphin', 4], ['god-self', 1], ['god-servant', 1], ['god-thank', 1], ['god-ward', 2], ['goffar', 2], ['gog', 19], ['goggle', 1], ['going', 46], ['gold', 381], ['golden-renating', 1], ['gold-hord', 1], ['goldsmith', 3], ['golf', 1], ['gooche', 1], ['good', 491], ['goodadge', 1], ['good-doer', 2], ['goode', 1], ['goodly', 8], ['goodly-worth', 1], ['good-natured', 1], ['good-night', 1], ['goodridge', 1], ['goodwin', 1], ['good-work', 1], ['gore', 2], ['gore-end', 1], ['gorge', 3], ['goring', 1], ['gormond', 2], ['goshawk', 2], ['gosling', 1], ['gosnesburgh', 1], ['gospel', 40], ['gospelbook', 6], ['gospeller', 1], ['gospel-wheel', 1], ['gospel-wright', 31], ['gossip', 10], ['got', 1], ['goth', 4], ['gotheling', 1], ['gothenburg', 3], ['gotland', 3], ['gould', 1], ['gourd', 3], ['gourmand', 1], ['gout', 1], ['govern', 157], ['governance', 56], ['governing', 2], ['government', 63], ['governor', 32], ['gowan', 1], ['gown', 13], ['grace', 6], ['graff', 24], ['graffing', 8], ['graft', 2], ['grafting', 2], ['grail', 1], ['grain', 16], ['graith', 3], ['gramcund', 1], ['grame', 1], ['gramian', 5], ['graming', 1], ['grammar', 1], ['grammarian', 4], ['grammar-scholar', 1], ['grand', 9], ['grandchild', 3], ['grandfather', 1], ['grandmother', 1], ['graner', 1], ['grant', 185], ['granter', 1], ['granting', 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['grisli:ce', 36], ['grisp', 1], ['gristbiting', 1], ['gristle', 2], ['grith', 2], ['groan', 9], ['groaning', 3], ['groat', 3], ['grocer', 1], ['groin', 2], ['groom', 4], ['groot', 1], ['grope', 3], ['groping', 1], ['grot', 2], ['grouch', 43], ['grouching', 10], ['ground', 331], ['groundly', 1], ['grove', 1], ['grow', 27], ['growing', 7], ['grownd', 1], ['grudge', 5], ['grudging', 1], ['grumble', 2], ['grunching', 1], ['grunt', 2], ['grunting', 1], ['gruse', 1], ['grutch', 17], ['grutching', 39], ['grymbert', 4], ['gryrefully', 1], ['guard', 47], ['guardian', 1], ['guardiche', 1], ['guentolde', 1], ['guerdon', 2], ['guess', 8], ['guessing', 1], ['guest', 62], ['guide', 6], ['guider', 1], ['guiding', 9], ['guild', 1], ['guile', 6], ['guileford', 3], ['guilefully', 3], ['guilt', 152], ['gujarate', 1], ['gulch', 4], ['guldeford', 6], ['gulesought', 1], ['gulf', 3], ['gullet', 1], ['gum', 2], ['gumrond', 1], ['gun', 34], ['gunner', 6], ['gurmond', 11], ['gurnard', 1], ['gurton', 1], ['gush', 2], ['gust', 4], ['gut', 12], ['gutter', 2], ['gwyniarte', 1], ['gy:mele:asli:ce', 4], ['gy:mele:ast', 4], ['gyve', 4], ['habbing', 3], ['haberdasher', 1], ['habergeon', 2], ['habiliment', 4], ['habit', 12], ['habitable', 1], ['habitation', 4], ['hack', 3], ['had', 9], ['haeldan', 6], ['hae:nan', 1], ['haething', 4], ['hagustald', 5], ['hail', 1], ['hailse', 1], ['hailstone', 1], ['hair', 16], ['haire', 2], ['haired', 1], ['halberd', 4], ['hale', 7], ['hales', 2], ['half', 455], ['halfbrother', 1], ['half-feign', 1], ['halfling', 1], ['halflings', 1], ['half-nosed', 1], ['halfpenny', 5], ['halidom', 3], ['halifax', 4], ['hall', 13], ['halling', 1], ['hallow', 26], ['hallowing', 9], ['hall-porch', 1], ['halse', 16], ['halsing', 2], ['halt', 3], ['halter', 5], ['hambargh', 1], ['hamburg', 15], ['hamburger', 1], ['ha:med', 1], ['hamlet', 4], ['hammer', 7], ['hammond', 1], ['hamper', 1], ['hampton-court', 8], ['hanald', 1], ['hance', 3], ['hand', 1309], ['handcloth', 1], ['handfast', 2], ['handfowl', 1], ['handful', 1], ['handgun', 17], ['handicraft', 1], ['hand-iswink', 1], ['handiwork', 9], ['handkerchief', 1], ['handle', 30], ['handling', 13], ['handmaiden', 1], ['handsel', 1], ['handshoe', 1], ['handwork', 2], ['handwriting', 1], ['hang', 298], ['hanging', 10], ['hangman', 4], ['hangustald', 2], ['hank', 1], ['hankin', 1], ['hans', 1], ['hanselin', 1], ['hap', 77], ['happen', 47], ['happily', 1], ['happy', 6], ['harald', 4], ['haran', 1], ['harbert', 1], ['harbinge', 2], ['harbour', 27], ['harbourer', 1], ['harcourt', 1], ['hard', 386], ['harden', 13], ['hardened', 2], ['hardiknut', 12], ['hardily', 6], ['hardly', 1], ['hardship', 6], ['hardwick', 1], ['hare', 4], ['hare-lip', 1], ['harfeld', 1], ['hark', 13], ['harken', 1], ['harle', 1], ['harling', 1], ['harlot', 5], ['harm', 342], ['harming', 3], ['harness', 6], ['harold', 9], ['harp', 19], ['harpax', 3], ['harping', 1], ['harp-string', 1], ['harrow', 4], ['harrow-bull', 1], ['harrowing', 1], ['harrow-tind', 1], ['harsh', 4], ['hart', 3], ['hartford', 1], ['hart-horn', 2], ['hartshorn', 4], ['harvest', 26], ['harwich', 12], ['haselford', 1], ['haste', 131], ['hastely', 5], ['hasten', 3], ['hastily', 6], ['hastings', 10], ['hat', 2], ['hatband', 1], ['hatch', 4], ['hatchet', 5], ['hate', 94], ['hate-fast', 8], ['hatel', 1], ['hately', 10], ['hatering', 1], ['hatfield', 6], ['hating', 15], ['hatter', 1], ['hattrel', 1], ['hauberk', 6], ['hauht', 3], ['haul', 3], ['haunch', 1], ['haunt', 16], ['have', 2301], ['havele:ast', 1], ['haveloc', 1], ['haven', 8], ['having', 7], ['haward', 3], ['hawk', 31], ['hawking', 2], ['hawkins', 3], ['hawthorn', 3], ['hayford', 2], ['hayles', 4], ['haymaker', 1], ['hay-making', 1], ['hayne', 1], ['hayward', 2], ['hazard', 8], ['hazarder', 4], ['haze', 5], ['head', 405], ['headache', 2], ['head-beast', 1], ['heading', 2], ['headlong', 2], ['headly', 1], ['head-penny', 1], ['headsin', 8], ['headwark', 1], ['heal', 118], ['healend', 165], 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['hell-ware', 1], ['hell-worm', 1], ['helm', 45], ['helmet', 2], ['helms', 1], ['help', 868], ['helper', 7], ['helping', 13], ['helply', 1], ['helurn', 1], ['hem', 5], ['hemp', 9], ['hen', 16], ['henaude', 1], ['henault', 1], ['hence', 89], ['henceforth', 29], ['henceforthwards', 1], ['henceforward', 2], ['henceward', 2], ['hence-ward', 1], ['hend', 8], ['hendly', 2], ['henfowl', 1], ['hengist', 1], ['he:nlung', 1], ['hent', 10], ['he:pen', 1], ['her', 31], ['herald', 16], ['herb', 65], ['herbage', 1], ['herbalist?', 3], ['herbert', 11], ['herd', 49], ['here', 1], ['hereabouts', 1], ['hereagainst', 1], ['hereanent', 1], ['herebefore', 11], ['hereby-forthward', 1], ['hereby-forward', 1], ['hereford', 6], ['herethrough', 1], ['heretic', 40], ['hereword', 18], ['hereworth', 1], ['herford', 28], ['herigendli:ce', 1], ['heritage', 82], ['heritance', 1], ['hermit', 21], ['hermitage', 1], ['hermodactyl', 1], ['hern', 2], ['herne', 1], ['herod', 5], ['herodian', 1], ['herold', 1], ['heron', 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['in-leasing', 1], ['inly', 2], ['in-mids', 10], ['inmost', 4], ['inn', 5], ['inner', 5], ['innfield', 1], ['in-night', 1], ['innocence', 46], ['innocent', 70], ['inobedience', 7], ['inobedient', 1], ['inoculate', 4], ['inquest', 2], ['inquire', 26], ['inquiring', 2], ['inroad', 1], ['in-sae:lth', 1], ['insert', 2], ['in-shield', 1], ['in-shrift', 11], ['insight', 6], ['insignificant', 1], ['in-silence', 3], ['insinuate', 3], ['insist', 6], ['insolence', 6], ['insolent', 7], ['insolvent', 2], ['in-so-much', 32], ['in-sorrow', 1], ['inspect', 2], ['in-spell', 1], ['inspiration', 3], ['inspire', 21], ['inspired', 1], ['instalment', 1], ['instance', 30], ['instant', 14], ['in-sti:g', 1], ['instinct', 1], ['institution', 2], ['instore', 1], ['in-strength', 3], ['instruct', 19], ['instruction', 17], ['instrument', 70], ['insufficience', 1], ['insufficient', 2], ['insurge', 2], ['insurrection', 1], ['in-swink', 1], ['intelligence', 17], ['intelligent', 1], ['intend', 76], ['intender', 1], 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['irchenfeld', 1], ['ire', 1], ['ireland', 214], ['i-rise', 1], ['irk', 3], ['irking', 1], ['iron', 125], ['irregular', 1], ['irreverence', 3], ['irrite', 1], ['is', 1], ['isaac', 1], ['isamnung', 1], ['isel', 1], ['island', 55], ['islander', 1], ['isle', 43], ['ismael', 1], ['ismaelite', 8], ['ison', 2], ['israel', 6], ['israelite', 2], ['issue', 3], ['isu:nding', 1], ['iswenchen', 1], ['i-swinch', 4], ['it', 118], ['italian', 6], ['itch', 4], ['itching', 2], ['i-thank', 4], ['itself', 44], ['ivanovich', 1], ['iwain', 3], ['iwemmen', 1], ['i-wissung', 1], ['iwiterien', 1], ['jacinth', 3], ['jack', 2], ['jack-priest', 1], ['jacob', 14], ['jacobite', 4], ['jade', 1], ['jailer', 3], ['jake', 1], ['james', 129], ['jangle', 4], ['jangler', 4], ['jangling', 5], ['jape', 7], ['japer', 2], ['jar', 1], ['jaunt', 2], ['javelin', 1], ['jazerance', 1], ['jazerant', 1], ['jebusite', 2], ['jeer', 2], ['jenkins', 1], ['jennings', 1], ['jeopard', 2], ['jerk', 1], ['jerusalem', 4], ['jerusalem-ward', 2], ['jest', 17], ['jesuit', 12], ['jesus-ward', 1], ['jew', 1], ['jewel', 25], ['jig', 1], ['job', 4], ['jocund', 2], ['jog', 1], ['johan', 1], ['johels', 1], ['john', 25], ['John', 1], ['johnsons', 1], ['join', 91], ['joined', 1], ['joining', 3], ['joint', 17], ['jointure', 1], ['jolm', 1], ['jolt', 1], ['jonathan', 1], ['jones', 6], ['jordan', 1], ['jordans', 1], ['jorge', 1], ['joseph', 7], ['journeying', 1], ['journing', 1], ['joust', 14], ['jousten', 1], ['jouster', 1], ['jousting', 4], ['joute', 1], ['jowl', 1], ['joy', 7], ['joyful', 1], ['joying', 2], ['joyn', 1], ['joyning', 1], ['jubarb', 1], ['Jude', 1], ['judealand', 5], ['judge', 256], ['judgement', 303], ['judge-say', 2], ['judging', 3], ['judicial', 5], ['juggler', 3], ['julian', 3], ['jump', 2], ['junk', 2], ['jupiter', 3], ['jurat', 1], ['jurisdiction', 3], ['just', 159], ['justify', 1], ['justifying', 6], ['kaiser', 8], ['kaiserking', 7], ['kalixt', 6], ['kank', 2], ['karl', 3], ['kaynes', 1], ['keach', 1], ['kech', 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['knewet', 1], ['knicchen', 1], ['knife', 11], ['knight', 1196], ['knight-errant', 1], ['knit', 5], ['knitch', 1], ['knitting', 6], ['knob', 1], ['knock', 15], ['knocking', 2], ['knoll', 1], ['knop', 1], ['knost', 1], ['knot', 5], ['knought', 1], ['know', 150], ['knower', 1], ['knowing', 112], ['knowledge', 198], ['knowledging', 12], ['knowles', 9], ['knox', 1], ['knut', 21], ['kokes', 1], ['kyle', 2], ['kynehard', 1], ['kyniburg', 1], ['kywart', 7], ['laban', 1], ['labour', 77], ['labourer', 9], ['labouring', 1], ['labyrinth', 1], ['lace', 3], ['lacedemon', 1], ['lache', 1], ['lachter', 1], ['lacing', 1], ['lack', 47], ['lacking', 12], ['lad', 5], ['ladder', 6], ['lade', 2], ['lady', 9], ['lae:can', 1], ['laeccan', 9], ['lake', 27], ['la:ken', 14], ['lamb', 105], ['lambard', 1], ['lambert', 3], ['lament', 9], ['lamfrank', 5], ['lamp', 28], ['lamp-light', 1], ['lance', 3], ['lancelot', 2], ['land', 1582], ['landfolk', 1], ['landing', 12], ['landlord', 6], ['landowner', 1], ['lane', 2], ['lang', 2], ['langford', 1], ['langhorn', 2], ['language', 91], ['languish', 8], ['languishing', 4], ['languor', 4], ['lank', 2], ['lanneret', 4], ['lantern', 17], ['lap', 8], ['lapse', 1], ['lapwing', 2], ['lard', 7], ['lardans', 1], ['large', 191], ['largely', 5], ['lark', 4], ['larme', 1], ['lash', 7], ['lask', 2], ['lasking', 1], ['last', 921], ['lasting', 6], ['lat', 2], ['la:t', 1], ['lataranense', 6], ['latch', 3], ['late', 7], ['latemost', 1], ['latent', 1], ['laterine', 1], ['latesome', 1], ['lathe', 3], ['lather', 2], ['lathian', 10], ['lathing', 2], ['latim', 1], ['latimer', 1], ['latin', 14], ['latitude', 4], ['latize', 1], ['laud', 1], ['laugh', 41], ['laughing', 17], ['laughing-stock', 1], ['laughter', 11], ['launch', 2], ['launde', 1], ['launder', 1], ['laurence', 30], ['lave', 4], ['law', 37], ['lawbook', 1], ['lawfully', 4], ['lawly', 3], ['lawn', 2], ['lawrence', 1], ['law-trick', 1], ['lawyer', 9], ['lax', 2], ['lay', 36], ['laying', 4], ['laze', 3], ['lead', 111], ['leader', 4], ['leading', 1], ['leaf', 62], ['leafworm', 1], ['league', 22], ['leaguer', 1], ['lean', 18], ['leap', 35], ['leaping', 3], ['learn', 292], ['learned', 84], ['learner', 2], ['learning', 168], ['learningknight', 15], ['lease', 13], ['leasing', 92], ['least', 236], ['leather-mouthed', 2], ['leave', 547], ['leavened', 1], ['leavetaking', 1], ['leaving', 3], ['leche', 1], ['lecher', 6], ['lechning', 1], ['lecture', 3], ['lede-bishop', 2], ['ledge', 1], ['leech', 46], ['leechcraft', 3], ['leeds', 3], ['leek', 5], ['leer', 1], ['leeward', 1], ['left', 105], ['left-half', 3], ['leg', 41], ['legate', 11], ['legend', 1], ['legged', 1], ['leghorn', 4], ['legion', 1], ['leik', 3], ['leile', 1], ['leind', 1], ['leire', 1], ['leiren', 1], ['leisure', 1], ['leiten', 9], ['lekinfeld', 1], ['leland', 1], ['leman', 4], ['lemon', 6], ['lend', 79], ['lending', 4], ['leng', 3], ['lengh', 7], ['length', 193], ['lengthen', 1], ['lenitive', 3], ['lennox', 2], ['lensing', 1], ['lent', 33], ['Lent', 1], ['le:oman', 1], ['leonard', 6], ['leopard', 15], ['leopold', 1], ['leothian', 1], ['leper', 1], ['leprous', 1], ['lere', 121], ['lered', 3], ['lering', 3], ['less', 2], ['lessen', 2], ['lessing', 6], ['lesson', 43], ['lest', 153], ['let', 111], ['letter', 335], ['letter-sport', 1], ['letting', 19], ['level', 2], ['leveller', 1], ['le:ven', 6], ['lever', 1], ['levite', 13], ['lewd', 3], ['lewdly', 3], ['leyland', 1], ['leynte', 1], ['liar', 7], ['libel', 1], ['licence', 39], ['licenced', 2], ['license', 3], ['lich', 1], ['licham', 49], ['li:chamli:ce', 52], ['lichfield', 17], ['lick', 5], ['licking', 1], ['li:cyro:were', 1], ['lid', 2], ['lie', 116], ['lief', 17], ['liefly', 21], ['lief-man', 3], ['liege', 6], ['lieutenant', 36], ['life', 126], ['lifeday', 1], ['lift', 110], ['lift-fowl', 1], ['lifting', 1], ['ligament', 6], ['liggons', 8], ['light', 601], ['lighten', 22], ['light-horseman', 1], ['lighting', 7], ['lightly', 42], ['lightning', 10], ['like', 172], ['likely', 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['lodegraunce', 5], ['lodge', 54], ['lodging', 54], ['loegers', 5], ['lof-song', 6], ['loft', 10], ['lof-yern', 1], ['log', 1], ['loge', 1], ['loherenge', 3], ['loin', 2], ['loitering', 3], ['loke', 2], ['lollard', 9], ['lombard', 12], ['london', 2], ['london-bridge', 1], ['londoner', 4], ['lone', 2], ['long', 1192], ['long-beard', 1], ['long-bridge', 1], ['longing', 32], ['longitude', 5], ['longobard', 2], ['longobardes', 19], ['long-streight', 1], ['longswerd', 1], ['long-tailed', 1], ['long-winged', 5], ['look', 305], ['looker', 2], ['looking', 37], ['loom', 1], ['loor', 1], ['loose', 11], ['lop', 1], ['lord', 5925], ['lording', 9], ['lordly', 3], ['lordship', 48], ['lord-ship', 1], ['lore', 2], ['lorel', 2], ['lorespell', 1], ['lorraine', 4], ['lose', 315], ['loser', 1], ['losing', 7], ['lost', 32], ['lot', 16], ['loth', 13], ['lothly', 24], ['loting', 1], ['lotryne', 1], ['lounge', 1], ['loup', 1], ['lour', 3], ['lout', 8], ['lovage', 1], ['lovage-root', 1], ['love', 936], ['love-dart', 1], ['lovelate', 1], ['love-longing', 1], ['lovely', 21], ['love (praise, extol)', 2], ['lover', 26], ['lovers', 1], ['loveru:n', 1], ['lovesome', 3], ['lovetote', 1], ['loveworth', 3], ['love-worth', 2], ['loveworthy', 1], ['loving', 51], ['lovingly', 1], ['low', 30], ['lower', 3], ['lowermost', 1], ['lowing', 1], ['lowly', 1], ['lowthe', 1], ['low-wombed', 1], ['loydes', 1], ['lucar', 2], ['luce', 1], ['lucifer', 1], ['lucky', 1], ['lude', 1], ['luding', 2], ['lug', 1], ['luidbrand', 1], ['lukewarm', 1], ['lumbard', 1], ['lump', 13], ['lunch', 1], ['lund', 2], ['lune', 3], ['lung', 12], ['lunningburgh', 1], ['lurch', 1], ['lure', 4], ['luring', 2], ['lurk', 4], ['lurk-hole', 1], ['lust', 323], ['luster', 1], ['lustfully', 1], ['lustily', 1], ['lustly', 3], ['lute', 1], ['lutterworth', 1], ['luxemburgh', 1], ['lyard', 1], ['lydian', 2], ['lyerland', 1], ['lyexnen', 1], ['lygnian', 1], ['lying', 14], ['lynge', 1], ['lynx', 1], ['lyonors', 1], ['lyre', 2], ['lysburn', 1], ['ly:therli:ce', 10], ['ly:thre', 1], ['macclesfield', 1], ['macedon', 2], ['macedonian', 1], ['machomet', 3], ['mad', 2], ['madge', 2], ['madly', 2], ['madox', 1], ['madrigal', 2], ['madulf', 1], ['mae:neli:ce', 2], ['mae:thian', 1], ['mae:thli:ce', 4], ['magdalene', 4], ['maggot', 2], ['magician', 1], ['magistrate', 8], ['magnetism', 1], ['magnificence', 5], ['magnificent', 4], ['magnify', 1], ['magnifying', 4], ['magons', 1], ['maid', 25], ['maiden', 136], ['maiden-child', 8], ['maidenhood', 16], ['maidenly', 1], ['maidhood', 9], ['maidservant', 1], ['mail', 1], ['maim', 7], ['main-mast', 1], ['mainour', 1], ['maintain', 32], ['maintainer', 4], ['maintaining', 2], ['maintenance', 21], ['make', 1011], ['maker', 7], ['makeshift', 1], ['making', 73], ['malandrin', 1], ['malapert', 1], ['malcontent', 1], ['male', 9], ['malefactor', 3], ['malesart', 2], ['malice', 1], ['malignant', 2], ['malison', 1], ['malke', 1], ['mallard', 2], ['malle', 1], ['mallen', 1], ['mallet', 2], ['malt', 21], 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['marcasite', 1], ['marcel', 1], ['march', 135], ['marche-bridge', 2], ['marching', 1], ['marchpane', 2], ['mare', 11], ['mare (nightmare)', 2], ['margaret', 3], ['margarite-stone', 1], ['margent', 1], ['marigold', 3], ['marine', 2], ['mariner', 12], ['mark', 225], ['marked', 2], ['markenfield', 3], ['market', 2], ['marking', 1], ['mark-land', 1], ['marl', 5], ['marle', 1], ['marm', 1], ['marmion', 4], ['marmoset', 1], ['marr', 6], ['marriage', 12], ['marring', 1], ['marrish', 1], ['marrow', 2], ['marrowbone', 1], ['marry', 3], ['marrying', 2], ['mars', 14], ['marsh', 20], ['marshall', 6], ['mart', 2], ['marteloge', 1], ['martin', 20], ['Martin', 1], ['martyr', 90], ['martyrdom', 3], ['martyrment', 1], ['marvel', 62], ['marvelling', 2], ['marvellously', 1], ['maserfield', 1], ['mash', 2], ['mashing', 1], ['mask', 5], ['masling', 1], ['mason', 6], ['mass', 2], ['masshacele', 1], ['massnight', 1], ['mass-priest', 1], ['mast', 5], ['master', 99], ['masterling', 2], ['mastership', 4], 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['rix', 13], ['rixle', 1], ['rixlian', 19], ['rixling', 4], ['road', 4], ['roam', 1], ['roar', 24], ['roaring', 2], ['roast', 8], ['rob', 59], ['robber', 10], ['robbing', 10], ['robe', 15], ['robert', 151], ['roberts', 11], ['robins', 1], ['robinson', 1], ['robsart', 1], ['robust', 1], ['rochet', 1], ['rock', 23], ['rockshorn', 2], ['rocliff', 1], ['rod', 3], ['rodbert', 4], ['rodenburgh', 5], ['rodes', 2], ['rodrick', 1], ['roet', 1], ['rogers', 2], ['rogue', 13], ['roguing', 1], ['rokesburgh', 1], ['rokingham-forest', 1], ['roland', 2], ['roll', 6], ['roman', 84], ['romburgh', 1], ['romford', 1], ['romond', 1], ['romonger', 1], ['ron', 1], ['rond', 2], ['rood', 9], ['roodloft', 1], ['roods', 1], ['roof', 3], ['roofed', 1], ['rook', 1], ['room', 8], ['roomth', 2], ['root', 50], ['rootfast', 2], ['rooting', 3], ['rope', 20], ['roping', 1], ['ro:sen', 2], ['rosier', 3], ['rosing', 2], ['rot', 7], ['rotbert', 7], ['rot-fast', 1], ['rother', 4], ['rothes', 1], ['rotlond', 1], ['rotting', 6], ['roughford', 1], ['rouker', 1], ['round', 125], ['rounder', 1], ['rounding', 1], ['rounge', 2], ['rouse', 1], ['rout', 1], ['route', 1], ['routing', 1], ['rove', 1], ['rowing', 1], ['rowland', 1], ['royns', 17], ['roynt', 1], ['rub', 11], ['rubbing', 3], ['rud', 1], ['rudden', 1], ['rudyard', 1], ['rue', 4], ['ruefully', 1], ['rueing', 6], ['rueli:ce', 22], ['ruffian', 2], ['ruffler', 4], ['rufford', 1], ['rufin', 1], ['rugged', 1], ['ruglinge', 2], ['ruin', 7], ['ruining', 1], ['rukel', 1], ['ru:kelen', 2], ['rule', 138], ['ruler', 25], ['ruling', 6], ['rumble', 1], ['ru:mien', 2], ['rumour', 7], ['rump', 1], ['rumple', 1], ['run', 142], ['runcorn', 1], ['rundle', 1], ['rundlet', 1], ['rune', 4], ['ru:nian', 5], ['running', 14], ['runt', 1], ['rupture', 1], ['rush', 12], ['rusing', 2], ['russil', 4], ['rust', 11], ['rustle', 1], ['rustling', 1], ['ruthfully', 1], ['rutland', 12], ['rydja', 1], ['ryons', 3], ['sabat', 4], ['sack', 7], ['sackbut', 1], ['sackford', 1], ['sacking', 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['sarept', 2], ['sarraptain', 1], ['sash', 1], ['sat', 1], ['satan', 1], ['satisfaction', 1], ['satisfy', 2], ['saturn', 13], ['sauce-box', 1], ['saucer', 1], ['saught', 18], ['saul', 2], ['saulen', 1], ['saunter', 1], ['saut', 2], ['sauters', 1], ['save', 222], ['save-conduct', 1], ['saving', 23], ['saviour', 1], ['savour', 18], ['savouring', 4], ['saw', 1], ['saxon', 85], ['say', 692], ['sayer', 2], ['saying', 85], ['scab', 3], ['scabbard', 19], ['scabbed', 8], ['scaffold', 15], ['scald', 7], ['scale', 6], ['scallop', 1], ['scamble', 1], ['scandalize', 2], ['scandalized', 1], ['scant', 17], ['scape', 16], ['scar', 1], ['scarborough', 4], ['scarce', 42], ['scarcely', 1], ['scare', 1], ['scarf', 1], ['scarlet', 1], ['scathe', 3], ['scatter', 24], ['scattering', 3], ['scent', 1], ['sce:otan', 5], ['sceran', 1], ['scescuns', 1], ['schadworth', 1], ['scheme', 2], ['scheter', 2], ['schirborne', 4], ['schism', 1], ['schismatic', 2], ['scholar', 33], ['school', 30], ['school-author', 1], 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['smallage', 5], ['smally', 1], ['smart', 21], ['smarting', 3], ['smartly', 5], ['smatch', 10], ['smathing', 4], ['smattering', 1], ['sme:ali:ce', 1], ['smear', 18], ['smeech', 1], ['smell', 33], ['smelling', 25], ['smelt', 2], ['smerl', 1], ['smile', 22], ['smiling', 1], ['smirels', 5], ['smirk', 2], ['smite', 21], ['smith', 5], ['smithfield', 25], ['smiting', 1], ['smock', 2], ['smoke', 10], ['smoking', 1], ['smooth', 5], ['smoothly', 1], ['smother', 4], ['snail', 7], ['snake', 2], ['snaker', 1], ['snap', 2], ['snarchen', 1], ['snare', 3], ['snarl', 1], ['snatch', 2], ['snead', 1], ['sneak', 2], ['sneeze', 2], ['sneve', 1], ['snib', 1], ['sniffing', 1], ['snipe', 1], ['snivelling', 1], ['snob', 2], ['snobbing', 2], ['snore', 1], ['snotor', 1], ['snowball', 1], ['snub', 1], ['snuff', 1], ['snuff-box', 1], ['snuve', 1], ['soak', 2], ['soap', 1], ['soar', 1], ['sob', 18], ['sobbing', 27], ['soberly', 3], ['socinian', 1], ['sod', 2], ['sodom', 1], ['sodomite', 1], ['sodom-ward', 1], 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['the-assembling', 1], ['the-assent', 2], ['the-assurance', 1], ['the-avoiding', 1], ['the-baptist', 1], ['the-beginning', 1], ['the-brand', 1], ['the-breast', 1], ['the-bulting', 1], ['the-burgh', 1], ['the-earl', 24], ['the-earth', 98], ['the-east', 2], ['thee-bane', 1], ['the-effect', 3], ['the-eighteenth', 11], ['the-emperor', 1], ['the-end', 14], ['the-ending', 1], ['the-enticement', 1], ['the-expert', 1], ['the-fiend', 6], ['the-fight', 1], ['the-former', 2], ['theft', 63], ['thegnian', 1], ['the-hand', 2], ['the-heart', 2], ['the-holy-ghost', 1], ['the-hulling', 1], ['the-ilk', 322], ['the-imperial', 1], ['thein', 6], ['theinen', 3], ['the-inhabitant', 1], ['the-inquest', 1], ['the-intendment', 1], ['the-intent', 14], ['theinung', 3], ['their', 35], ['their-opinion', 1], ['theirself', 1], ['the-king', 1], ['the-last', 1], ['the-least', 1], ['the-most', 2], ['themself', 368], ['thence', 290], ['thenceforth', 7], ['thenceforthward', 1], ['thenceforwards', 1], ['thenceward', 4], 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['throughfill', 1], ['through-go', 1], ['throughnail', 1], ['throughseek', 1], ['throughsting', 2], ['through-won', 10], ['throw', 6], ['throwing', 9], ['thrum', 2], ['thrust', 28], ['thuften', 1], ['thullich', 52], ['thumb', 20], ['thunder', 15], ['thunderclap', 1], ['thundering', 1], ['thunder-stone', 1], ['thung', 1], ['thurse', 4], ['thurst', 1], ['thurth', 1], ['thurven', 24], ['thus-often', 1], ['thwart', 1], ['thyldeli:ce', 1], ['thylli:ce', 8], ['tibbe', 1], ['tiburce', 2], ['ticcen', 6], ['tice', 1], ['ticing', 1], ['ticket', 1], ['tickle', 1], ['tidder', 1], ['tide', 5], ['tiding', 110], ['ti:dli:ce', 1], ['tie', 4], ['tierce', 2], ['tight', 7], ['tighting', 1], ['tiling', 2], ['till', 14], ['tiller', 1], ['tilling', 2], ['tilt', 8], ['tilth', 4], ['timber', 11], ['timbering', 3], ['time', 339], ['timely', 13], ['times', 2], ['timesetting', 1], ['ti:mian', 3], ['tincture', 3], ['tind', 30], ['tinder-box', 1], ['tine', 14], ['tinker', 2], ['tinkle', 1], ['tintarne', 1], 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['verb', 4], ['verdant', 1], ['verdict', 5], ['verge', 2], ['verger', 1], ['verifying', 2], ['verily', 7], ['verre', 1], ['verse', 80], ['verselen', 1], ['versifying', 1], ['verslen', 2], ['vespasian', 1], ['vessel', 57], ['vest', 1], ['vestment', 11], ['vesture', 1], ['vex', 39], ['vexation', 2], ['vexing', 7], ['viand', 2], ['vicar', 15], ['vice-admiral', 1], ['vice-chancellor', 1], ['viciously', 1], ['vicissitude', 2], ['victor', 3], ['victorer', 1], ['victual', 28], ['victualling', 4], ['vieuville', 1], ['view', 6], ['viewing', 2], ['vigil', 1], ['vile', 8], ['vilenting', 1], ['vilify', 1], ['viling', 1], ['village', 29], ['villain', 7], ['villainously', 4], ['villains', 7], ['villein', 2], ['vilte', 1], ['vincent', 8], ['vine', 24], ['viner', 2], ['vineyard', 36], ['vintage', 2], ['viol', 2], ['violate', 1], ['violence', 44], ['violent', 16], ['violet', 2], ['virge', 1], ['virgil', 1], ['virgin', 30], ['virounen', 1], ['visage', 31], ['viscount', 8], ['vise', 1], ['vision', 6], ['visit', 10], ['visitation', 2], ['visiting', 2], ['visitor', 2], ['vitailen', 1], ['vital', 3], ['vitna', 22], ['vitrli:ce', 25], ['viver', 3], ['vizament', 1], ['void', 1], ['volatile', 11], ['volume', 3], ['volunteer', 2], ['vomit', 1], ['vomiting', 2], ['vortiger', 5], ['vortimer', 1], ['vouch', 5], ['vow', 1], ['vowel', 13], ['voyage', 15], ['vulcan', 3], ['vult', 3], ['vulture', 1], ['vyllers', 3], ['wacste', 1], ['wade', 2], ['wae:fan', 1], ['wafer', 1], ['waffler', 2], ['wa:g', 1], ['wage', 14], ['wager', 3], ['waggen', 1], ['wagging', 1], ['waggon', 5], ['waggoner', 1], ['wa:grift', 5], ['wagtail', 1], ['wail', 8], ['wailing', 13], ['wain', 5], ['wain-clout', 1], ['wainen', 3], ['waist', 4], ['wait', 24], ['waiter', 1], ['waiting', 5], ['wake', 64], ['wakefield', 3], ['waken', 7], ['wakering', 1], ['waking', 31], ['waldend', 17], ['walderne', 5], ['wales', 112], ['walingford', 5], ['walingord', 5], ['walk', 180], ['walker', 3], ['walking', 6], ['wall', 156], ['walled', 6], ['wallet', 3], ['wallop', 2], ['wallow', 1], ['wallowing', 2], ['wallwort', 6], ['walm', 4], ['walnut', 1], ['walsh', 1], ['walsingam', 1], ['wan', 1], ['wand', 6], ['wandale', 1], ['wander', 25], ['wandering', 5], ['wane', 5], ['wanian', 4], ['waning', 3], ['wansen', 1], ['wansford', 4], ['wanstead-in-england', 1], ['want', 144], ['wanting', 10], ['wanton', 2], ['wantrucian', 1], ['wantruth', 1], ['wanze', 1], ['wap', 1], ['wapentake', 2], ['wapman', 2], ['wapping', 1], ['war', 51], ['warance', 4], ['ward', 69], ['warden', 8], ['wards', 2], ['ware', 19], ['warehouse-keeper', 3], ['warely', 8], ['wa:ren', 1], ['wareship', 1], ['warfe', 1], ['warish', 4], ['warishing', 1], ['warm', 60], ['warmth', 7], ['warn', 99], ['warnestoring', 2], ['warning', 39], ['warnish', 2], ['warp', 69], ['warple', 2], ['warrant', 56], ['warren', 9], ['warrior', 8], ['wart', 4], ['warwick', 1], ['wary', 30], ['warying', 18], ['wash', 59], ['washing', 10], ['wasp', 2], ['waste', 60], ['waster', 1], ['wasting', 5], ['wastum', 3], ['watch', 52], ['watching', 1], ['watchword', 2], ['water', 127], ['watercourse', 2], ['waterdrop', 1], ['waterford', 5], ['watering', 1], ['water-leech', 1], ['watersnake', 1], ['water-vein', 1], ['watheling', 1], ['wattes', 2], ['wave', 2], ['wave-offering', 1], ['waver', 5], ['wavering', 1], ['waw', 4], ['wax', 199], ['waxing', 3], ['way', 8], ['waybridge', 1], ['wayfare', 1], ['way-fare', 2], ['wayment', 1], ['waymenting', 10], ['wayward', 2], ['weak', 2], ['weaken', 4], ['weakened', 1], ['weakly', 2], ['weal', 14], ['weald', 41], ['wealtan', 1], ['wealth', 59], ['wean', 5], ['weapon', 32], ['wear', 64], ['wearing', 3], ['weary', 2], ['weasel', 2], ['weather', 9], ['weathering', 6], ['weave', 2], ['weaver', 1], ['weaverift', 1], ['wecche', 4], ['wed', 5], ['wedding', 61], ['wedding-garment', 1], ['wede', 2], ['wedge', 1], ['wedlock', 2], ['weed', 13], ['weed (garment)', 10], ['week', 51], ['ween', 181], ['weep', 209], ['weeper', 1], ['weeping', 102], ['weigh', 5], ['weight', 80], ['weimer', 1], ['weir', 2], ['weiten', 3], ['welcome', 21], ['we:ldend', 1], ['well', 32], ['well-avised', 1], ['well-beloved', 15], ['well-dispose', 1], ['well-disposed', 2], ['well-doer', 1], ['welleward', 2], ['well-fare', 2], ['well-like', 2], ['well-liking', 1], ['well-please', 1], ['well-queem', 1], ['wells', 8], ['wellspring', 1], ['well-theued', 1], ['well-willer', 2], ['welsh', 1], ['welsh-briton', 1], ['wem', 3], ['wemming', 1], ['wen', 1], ['wench', 21], ['wend', 1963], ['wendig', 2], ['wending', 10], ['we:ning', 6], ['we:nli:ce', 3], ['wenlocks', 1], ['wentbridge', 1], ['wentworth', 6], ['weorthian', 44], ['wer', 18], ['werburgh', 2], ['werden', 4], ['were', 4], ['wered', 3], ['werian', 2], ['wering', 3], ['wernan', 3], ['werning', 1], ['werren', 60], ['werworth', 1], ['wessex', 11], ['west', 207], ['we:sten', 2], ['western', 6], ['westmor', 1], ['westmorland', 24], ['west-northwest', 1], ['west-saxon', 5], ['west-southwest', 2], ['westward', 6], ['wet', 7], ['wether', 3], ['wetting', 19], ['weved', 14], ['weysumberg', 1], ['wharf', 1], ['wharve', 6], ['whatliche', 1], ['wheedle', 1], ['wheedling', 1], ['wheel', 31], ['whelk', 2], ['whelm', 4], ['whelp', 24], ['whence', 124], ['whereanent', 1], ['whereso', 9], ['wherethrough', 6], ['whethenward', 2], ['whether', 1], ['whewl', 1], ['which', 6558], ['whick', 1], ['whiffle', 1], ['whig', 3], ['while', 13], ['whiles', 68], ['whiling', 1], ['whilst', 56], ['whine', 1], ['whip', 24], ['whip-graffing', 2], ['whipping', 6], ['whirl', 2], ['whirlwind', 4], ['whirl-wind', 1], ['whisk', 3], ['whisper', 3], ['whistle', 4], ['whit', 1], ['whitch', 1], ['white', 5], ['whitecoat', 1], ['white-haired', 1], ['whitehorn', 2], ['white-plum', 1], ['white-thorn', 2], ['whitfield', 1], ['whitherward', 5], ['whitingdon', 1], ['wholesomely', 1], ['wholly', 10], ['whoop', 1], ['whore', 6], ['whoredom', 3], ['whoreson', 3], ['whoring', 1], ['whorish', 1], ['wicham', 1], ['wiche', 3], ['wick', 2], ['wickams', 1], ['wicked', 4], ['wicked-doer', 1], ['wickedly', 4], ['wide', 1], ['wield', 36], ['wielding', 1], ['wife', 150], ['wigel', 11], ['wigeling', 1], ['wiggle', 1], ['wight', 90], ['wilbarn', 1], ['wild', 104], ['wilden', 1], ['wildern', 1], ['wilderness', 15], ['wile', 13], ['wilford', 1], ['wilfully', 1], ['will', 3825], ['willelm', 24], ['williams', 3], ['willi:ce', 4], ['willing', 48], ['willington-village', 1], ['wilne', 2], ['wilnian', 72], ['wilning', 30], ['wilt', 1], ['wiltens', 1], ['wimple', 1], ['win', 33], ['winborn', 2], ['winchcomb', 4], ['winchelse', 1], ['winchilse', 1], ['wind', 236], ['wind-cloth', 2], ['windfell', 1], ['winding', 2], ['windmill', 1], ['windward', 1], ['windwing', 1], ['wine', 75], ['wineborn', 1], ['wine-tiller', 2], ['wing', 27], ['winged', 6], ['wingfeld', 2], ['wink', 3], ['winkilfield', 1], ['winking', 1], ['winly', 1], ['winning', 21], ['winnow', 2], ['winsome', 1], ['winter', 6], ['winterborn', 1], ['winter-corn', 1], ['wintered', 3], ['wipe', 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['witter-wissing', 1], ['witting', 14], ['wittingly', 5], ['witty', 1], ['witwang', 1], ['wive', 3], ['wiving', 2], ['wizard', 2], ['wlapping', 1], ['wlatian', 1], ['wlating', 2], ['wleccan', 1], ['wleching', 1], ['wlencan', 1], ['wli:tan', 1], ['wlite', 1], ['wlonk', 3], ['wodensburgh', 1], ['wodensfield', 1], ['wo:dli:ce', 3], ['woesi:th', 6], ['wo:hdeemer', 1], ['wold', 1], ['wolde', 1], ['wolf', 61], ['wolf-thistel?', 1], ['wolrich', 2], ['wolstone', 1], ['wolwich', 2], ['woman', 40], ['womankind', 1], ['woman-servant', 2], ['womb', 144], ['wommanly', 1], ['won', 1], ['wonburn', 1], ['wonde', 3], ['wonder', 131], ['wonderfully', 3], ['wondering', 4], ['wonderly', 22], ['wonders', 1], ['wone', 311], ['woning', 58], ['wont', 9], ['woo', 1], ['wood', 53], ['woodbind', 2], ['woodlands', 1], ['woodman', 1], ['woods', 1], ['wooer', 1], ['wooing', 8], ['wookirk', 1], ['wool', 2], ['woolding', 1], ['woollen', 9], ['woolwich', 1], ['woolwork', 1], ['wop', 1], ['word', 2033], ['word-fast', 1], ['wo:ren', 1], ['work', 1414], ['worked', 1], ['worker', 8], ['workfolk', 1], ['working', 105], ['world', 1855], ['worldaucht', 1], ['worldly', 77], ['worldly-king', 1], ['worldship', 4], ['worldthing', 17], ['worldweal', 1], ['worm', 80], ['wormes', 1], ['worse', 213], ['worsen', 1], ['worship', 100], ['worshipful', 6], ['worshiply', 2], ['worshipper', 1], ['worshipping', 9], ['worst', 79], ['wort', 9], ['worth', 401], ['worthen', 9], ['worthily', 1], ['worthing', 7], ['worthly', 16], ['worthmint', 11], ['worthmynd', 2], ['worthship', 3], ['worthy', 8], ['woster', 1], ['wothe', 1], ['wough', 2], ['wound', 201], ['wounding', 2], ['wrack', 2], ['wraculi:ce', 1], ['wrae:than', 3], ['wrageling', 2], ['wrakefully', 2], ['wrangling', 1], ['wrap', 18], ['wrapping', 1], ['wrath', 19], ['wray', 4], ['wreak', 4], ['wreath', 2], ['wreche', 8], ['wre:chen', 1], ['wreiing', 2], ['wre:king', 1], ['wrench', 13], ['wrest', 3], ['wrestle', 8], ['wrestling', 8], ['wretch', 171], ['wretched', 79], ['wretchedly', 2], ['wretchhood', 2], ['wretchly', 1], ['wrethe-team', 1], ['wriels', 2], ['wrigeli:ce', 1], ['wright', 26], ['wring', 19], ['wringing', 1], ['wrinkle', 1], ['wrinnen', 1], ['wrist', 2], ['writ', 15], ['write', 79], ['writer', 26], ['writhe', 2], ['writing', 177], ['wrong', 199], ['wrong-do', 1], ['wrongfully', 4], ['wrongly', 1], ['wroot', 1], ['wrothly', 3], ['wrotian', 2], ['wry', 2], ['wuldrian?', 1], ['wuneli:ce', 1], ['wurding', 2], ['wureth', 8], ['wurthe', 6], ['wyfold', 2], ['xpist', 1], ['yalding', 3], ['yard', 85], ['yard (wooden spar)', 15], ['yark', 25], ['yarn', 8], ['yate', 3], ['yating', 6], ['yawn', 6], ['ydre', 2], ['year', 441], ['yearn', 59], ['yearning', 21], ['yearnly', 3], ['yeast', 2], ['yedden', 1], ['yell', 6], ['yelp', 31], ['yelping', 4], ['yeme', 9], ['yemelest', 7], ['yeming', 1], ['yeoman', 1], ['yern', 1], ['yerne', 81], ['yernly', 15], ['yerren', 6], ['yesternight', 3], ['yet', 1], ['yeverly', 1], ['yexen', 1], ['yexing', 1], ['yfere', 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